
Wednesday, April 21, 2004

last night i had some weird dreams. i had a recurring dream, tho i forget it. damn

anyways, one dream was being in some house, and i remember there being some sort of serial killer, and then it went through this big murderous scenery type thing, and then like a camera in a movie, it moved toward a room with blood all over it, and then turned and focused in on a shower with the killer (naked, he wasnt wearing the costume) in it showering.

also, another dream my friend and i were in the car and he bit my chin, but playfully. what the hell is that about?
yesterday i dreamt i was playing checkers with my brother, as a little kid (strangely enough i was more conscious). i then hugged him after the game was over, and i could feel him hug me exactly like when we were little kids. he always hugged like an animal; little bastard. cool dream tho, we used to play checkers at my dad's grandma's house. there was never shit else to do

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